
The tenant information found in this Handbook is meant to provide you with a better understanding of Research Plaza and to facilitate your company’s operations. There is a great deal of information contained here; take the time to familiarize yourself with this handbook and it will become a valuable resource for you and your company. Every attempt is made to provide current and accurate information in this handbook, and it is possible that some items will change over time. The Research Plaza Acquisitions, LLC Team will promptly notify you of any such changes.

For the purpose of effective Landlord-Tenant communication, primary contacts are established within each tenant company. The individual who interfaces with Research Plaza Acquisitions, LLC on day-to-day issues is referred to as the Tenant Contact. The individual holding the most senior position (e.g. Managing Partner, President, Administrator) is the Principal Representative. Kindly ensure all official communications to the Research Plaza Acquisitions, LLC team come directly from either the Tenant Contact or the Principal Representative.
Please note that the Research Plaza Acquisitions, LLC office is available to help in any way possible. Your first call for any problem or question can always be directed to the Research Plaza Acquisitions, LLC team at (301) 762-3800, and we will assist you from there. We are here to serve you.
